Monday 10 September 2012

Third Week ( 11- 17 June 2012)

PNS  started their operation in Bangsar South City in April 2012. There are still a lot of construction is in progress. In fact, there are some systems that are still in the testing and improvement. One was the new system is attendance system that using fingerprints. I was given the task to make the user manual as there are still some staff who do not know how to use it. 

During the third week, I  need to resize and edit the pictures to be used use on employee's access card. There are about 200 pieces of pictures that need to be edited, since the process of printing the card should be completed by Friday. All the staff will be call to print their card according to their department.  One of the challenge that I have faced during the printing process is the card is not perfectly print due to the card surface is not 100% clean. There are also problems such as spelling errors and wrong employee number. All these cards need to be printed by this week as Dato 'Sri Ismail Sabri Yaakob will have the visit at PNS tower next week. Here is the example of the access card.

The poster above  is one of the poster that I have design for  Ministry of Domestic Trade Cooperatives and Consumerism Sport Carnival which started on 16 June 2012 until 24 June 2012. 

On 17 June 2012, I was assign to become the secretariat for bowling tournament at Wangsa Bowl, Wangsa Walk. The results, first place was won by the Bank Rakyat, followed by Perbadanan Nadional Berhad and Ministry of Domestic Trade Cooperatives and Consumerism. 

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