Sunday 9 September 2012

Second Week (4 May-10 June 2012)

My second week started with designing the cover for PNS page. The process is as follows:

The details of the event will be e-mail to me. Than I need to do some research on the theme. I start my design after I get image that suitable for the theme and try to came out with at least two or three design. The design will be send to Corporate Communication Department to be verified. After the design have been verified, it will be upload either in Facebook or website, depends on the request. However, if the design is not meet the required, then I have to redesign it. The banner below is one the example of the design that have been rejected. 

This is my second design for this week, 'Kempen Beli Barang Buatan Malaysia'. The event was launched by the Minister of Domestic Trade Cooperatives and Consumerism, Dato' Sri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.    I have represented the PNS in cyber troopers program during this event, where each agency under Ministry of Domestic Trade Cooperatives and Consumerism  have to get 10 000 likes on each of the agencies Facebook page by the end of this year. The purpose of  Cyber ​​troopers is to make sure every information related to Ministrer of Domestic Trade Cooperatives and Consumerism and the agencies under it can be delivered to all people. In addition, it has also become a medium for people exchange idea or ask any question about the Ministry and the agencies.  Through this  event, I have get a lot experience for example, communicate with the the difference type of people which gives me the opportunity to improve my communication skills.

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