Saturday 8 September 2012

First Week ( 28 May - 3 June 2012 )

28 May is the first day i went to internship. I went to PNS by LRT as early 7.00 am. The journey took 40 minute.When I'm arrive, I was greeted by the HR officer, Ms Nur Alyani. Then, she took me to meet  Head of IT Department, Ms. Norliza. Ms. Norliza then gave me a briefing on the PNS and my task while undergoing internship. Before I start my work, she has introduce me to all  IT staff and show me my table. Here is my table. Nice is it?...

My first task is designing the Kaamatan Festival banner for PNS facebook. The tamplet have been given, so i just add the picture that appropriate to the theme. However this banner is only used for a few hours before the spelling mistakes has been identified, where the right spelling is  KAAMATAN not KEAMATAN. This mistake teach me to be more careful in the future.

Below is my second design. By using the same tamplet, I need to design a banner for  ' Kemuncak Sambutan Bulan Pengguna 2012'. The banner have been uploaded at PNS page.

In the first week, I also involved in the process of designing the new access card. The card is divided into two which is  staff access card and visitor pass.

The picture above is the staff access card design. What should i do is separate the design into the layer  by using Adobe Illustrator as a part of printing process. Next, I need to redesign the visitor pass since some of the staff complain that the design is not attractive and look bore. There are two staff ,  MR Rashiman and Mr Affendi have help me by giving me a variety of PNS Tower picture for me to insert into my design. As the result I have produce a new design and the design was accepted by the Board of Director to be use as the visitor pass.

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