Wednesday 12 September 2012

Eighth Week (16-22 July 2012)

I started my final week with a task from PNS subsidiary, Gloria Jean's Coffee. There are some changes that they need to do. One of the changes is the price of the food in menu sheet. I have facing some difficulty because they don't have the soft copy for the design. 

The picture below is the bunting that designed for opening ceremony at Sutera Mall, Johor Bahru. It also will be used for IBM outlet. 


 The poster was designed for Hari Koperasi Negara.

I end up my last day with the final design. The poster has been request by Corporate Communication Department for Hari Raya Aidilfitri. 

 This is a gift from Administration and Support Division for me, Forest Secret product, one of PNS subsidiaries.

Seventh Week (9-15 July 2012)

During my last two week, the Corporate Communication Department assign me design the tentatif template for Majlis Berbuka Puasa. 

Design for invitation card
 Design for invitation through fax

Backdrop for Majlis Berbuka Puasa

Minister of Ministry of Domestic Trade Cooperatives and Consumerism, 
Dato' Sri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, PNS Chairman,  YB Datuk Idris bin Hashim, and Managing Director Tuan Syed Kamarulzaman in front of the backdrop designed by me. 

The picture above is the inner of Hari Raya Aidilfitri Card

The poster above was designed for PNS bulletin.

Sixth Week (2-8 July 2012)

This week, everybody are busy with FIM. All IT staff went to meeting to discuss the final preparation, especially on scoreboard and electronic equipment for the PNS booth . We also  heard a briefing from the contractor who responsible to build the  PNS  booth. 

My supervisor assign me to work during the FIM whereby, me and another three IT staff will in charge the cyber trooper programme. 

Me and Tun Dr Mahathir during his visit to PNS booth


Me and PNS Managing Director, Tuan Syed Kamarulzaman Bin Dato' Syed Zainol Khodki Shahabudin

Cyber trooper crew with one of the potential franchisee

During Cyber trooper programme

The 1000th fan of  Gloria Jeans Coffees page
(* Gloria Jeans Coffees is PNS subsidiary)

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Fifth Week (25 June- 1 July 2012)

This week I don't have so much work. There are only one event took place this week. This is the banner for the event, which has been designed by me. 

Since there are no so much work, so, my supervisor,  Ms Norliza assign me to attend a meeting with CENSOF. The meeting is all about the new financial system to be implement in the organization.

I also make preparations for the event which will take place next week. The main event for next week is Franchaise International Malaysia (FIM). As usual I need to create the banner and poster for the PNS  Facebook and bulletin. In addition,  I also design header and footer for the scoreboard that will be used during FIM.

Fruit Galore is another activity that will took place next week. This is the banner and poster of the event. I have redesign the poster many time because the date and time is keep changing. 

Monday 10 September 2012

Fourth Week ( 18-24 June 2012)

Fourth week is the busiest week. There are four events that run throughout the week. The main event is the Ministry of Domestic Trade Cooperatives and Consumerism Sports Carnival closing ceremony  which will be held on 24 June 2012. As usual,  I was assign to design banners and posters for facebook and bulletin PNS.  I also responsible to update the information on this carnival through the poster that I have design. 

On 20 June 2012, PNS receive a visit from Institute Diplomacy & Foreign Relations (IDFR) Delegates. My job is to answer the question on 9001 and distribute samples of food to delegates. 


SMIDEX is  another event take place on  20 June 2012. It was held at KLCC. With the theme SME's Shaping The Future,  SMIDEX which will be launched by Malaysia Prime Minister,  Y.A.B Dato' Sri  Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak.

The next day, we received a visit by the Minister of Ministry of Domestic Trade Cooperatives and Consumerism. The picture below  is the banner that was design by me.

We have last minute invitation from MyIPO. This is the banner for Perhimpunan Seribu Bintang, 

Third Week ( 11- 17 June 2012)

PNS  started their operation in Bangsar South City in April 2012. There are still a lot of construction is in progress. In fact, there are some systems that are still in the testing and improvement. One was the new system is attendance system that using fingerprints. I was given the task to make the user manual as there are still some staff who do not know how to use it. 

During the third week, I  need to resize and edit the pictures to be used use on employee's access card. There are about 200 pieces of pictures that need to be edited, since the process of printing the card should be completed by Friday. All the staff will be call to print their card according to their department.  One of the challenge that I have faced during the printing process is the card is not perfectly print due to the card surface is not 100% clean. There are also problems such as spelling errors and wrong employee number. All these cards need to be printed by this week as Dato 'Sri Ismail Sabri Yaakob will have the visit at PNS tower next week. Here is the example of the access card.

The poster above  is one of the poster that I have design for  Ministry of Domestic Trade Cooperatives and Consumerism Sport Carnival which started on 16 June 2012 until 24 June 2012. 

On 17 June 2012, I was assign to become the secretariat for bowling tournament at Wangsa Bowl, Wangsa Walk. The results, first place was won by the Bank Rakyat, followed by Perbadanan Nadional Berhad and Ministry of Domestic Trade Cooperatives and Consumerism. 

Sunday 9 September 2012

Second Week (4 May-10 June 2012)

My second week started with designing the cover for PNS page. The process is as follows:

The details of the event will be e-mail to me. Than I need to do some research on the theme. I start my design after I get image that suitable for the theme and try to came out with at least two or three design. The design will be send to Corporate Communication Department to be verified. After the design have been verified, it will be upload either in Facebook or website, depends on the request. However, if the design is not meet the required, then I have to redesign it. The banner below is one the example of the design that have been rejected. 

This is my second design for this week, 'Kempen Beli Barang Buatan Malaysia'. The event was launched by the Minister of Domestic Trade Cooperatives and Consumerism, Dato' Sri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.    I have represented the PNS in cyber troopers program during this event, where each agency under Ministry of Domestic Trade Cooperatives and Consumerism  have to get 10 000 likes on each of the agencies Facebook page by the end of this year. The purpose of  Cyber ​​troopers is to make sure every information related to Ministrer of Domestic Trade Cooperatives and Consumerism and the agencies under it can be delivered to all people. In addition, it has also become a medium for people exchange idea or ask any question about the Ministry and the agencies.  Through this  event, I have get a lot experience for example, communicate with the the difference type of people which gives me the opportunity to improve my communication skills.